NOTE: Please check the whiteboard at the front of the tennis court for program items and changes. All program items meet at the tennis court unless otherwise indicated on this sheet or on the whiteboard.
Children’s Hayride: 6:00 PM – Come to the phone booth near the canteen for pick up.
Bookmobile Begins visiting July 4th and will return bi
weekly thereafter
Sunday: Street Hockey 7pm with Sandy Dolan and Jeff Augustus
Bingo (Adult) - 8 PM - Rec Hall
Sunday: Throughout the summer there will be events and tournaments at the horseshoe pits. For information, to assist or to join in the fun watch for notices on our bulletin board at the tennis court.
Thursday Bookmobile 1st visits July 4th and will stop by every second Thurs. thereafter.
Friday: Darts 8 PM .Joanne MacDonald and Sadie McLean.
Saturday: Free Boat rides - 10 AM - 12 Noon – meet our Recreation Staff at the office. Adult consent required!
We are excited to tell you that
“The SNAK SHACK” (canteen) will be managed by “John Michael Currie” from Me & the Missus
Stop by and say hi and experience their menu designed for you!
Please watch canteen window for operating hours.
Watch for the weekend specials all season and enjoy!!
So long 'til we meet again
We had so much fun being with you here at "The Beach"!
in mind our annual Christmas Party at the Horizon Achievement Center Dec. 7th 2019, 9pm-1am
Make your plans early…see you there!
Thank you all and special thanks to our wonderful team and their consistent efforts to assure Happy Camping!!!
Special thanks to you all for making this summer memorable.
Join me on facebook at Alexis Smith MacDonald to stay in touch over the winter months.